Ling Liang Worldwide Evangelistic Mission Association was founded by Dr Timothy S.K.Dzao in Shanghai with the vision “Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to all people.” Mark 16:15. Under the name of Ling Liang it began with Sunday worship services in Shanghai in the year 1942. The Association moved to Hong Kong along with Dr Dzao in 1949. Since then, the gospel had been preached in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, India, Japan and North America and churches are established in these places.
Believers who immigrated from Hong Kong and India with Ling Liang ties founded Grace Ling Liang Church in Toronto. Nine families from Hong Kong settled in Toronto during the eighties and nineties, met and worshipped together in the church. They met and prayed together in spring of 1998, the Spirit of the Lord led them to form a church, by faith they obeyed and worship service was held every Sunday without a break ever since that history making first Sunday of September 1998.
Beginning from January 1999, the Lord led Pastor Ting Tao Chiu, who was formerly the associate Pastor of the Ling Liang Churches in Calcutta, India to minister in our church. At that time, he was also the pastor of Grace Chinese Church in Toronto, a congregation comprises of mainly Hakka and English speaking believers from India. Pastor Chiu used to preach in the two different churches at two different locations on Sundays. Meanwhile Grace Ling Liang Church has grown from twenty to forty plus. Due to lack of resources, the church faced a serious constraint in the next phase of the church growth. This led us to explore the possibility of merging the two congregations into one church. After prayerful consideration and several meetings in consultation with the members of Grace Chinese Church, the two congregations have decided effective from January 2002 to merge together what is known as Grace Ling Liang Church of the present time.
When the church was first established, we began with nothing and literally zero; we learned to serve the Lord and minister one to another. Learning in serving, growing in learning, edifying in growing, tending towards maturity, rooted and grounded in His words and bearing much fruits. May God lead and guide us, enlighten us to present our bodies as living sacrifices, mould and shape us into fit vessels in His hands, fulfilling His commission and glorify His name.